A new comedy film is up for grabs! Watch Observe And Report online movie free streaming!

I'm stunned that this Observe and Report movie passes for entertainment. Seth Rogan needs to stop, he's not funny - he has issues. I am so tired of the double standard which now exist, at least in American mainstream movies, with showing male genitals but no female genitals. Yes, there are some breasts that are shown but that in NO WAY equals exposing male genitals. I am also sick amd tired of hearing that it is done for "shock value," or that it is ok because it is done for "comic relief," or that it was necessary because the scene called for it. What a load of crap that is !!!! It comes down to a very simple point. If you are going to show male genitals then start showing female genitals. I also believe it is way past the time that heterosexual males demand equal amounts of female nudity or they must stop attending this garbage until these writers/producers/directors get the message and start including equal amounts. Enough is enough !!!!! The double standard needs to stop !!!!!!

Watch Observe And Report free online movie streaming download soon.